Discover and shop our popular wallpaper categories across Kenya from the Leading wallpapers supplier in  Kenya with over 500 wallpaper designs in our  catalogue to choose from.

For a best outcome, it is imperative that a good wallpaper product be paired with professional workmanship. We have a qualified installers who handle the installations. Their expertise go a long way in enabling us leave each of our clients satisfied.

Why Install Wallpapers

  • Durable. Wallpapers lasts longer without losing luster. They can stay up for over 15years if properly installed.
  • Easy Installation. Wallpapers take a shorter time to apply and have no repulsive odor.
  • Affordable. Wallpapers can be done in peace at the client’s budget
  • Wallpapers lasts for atleast 15 years so its cost effective in the long­-run.
  • It adheres easily and smoothly to your walls and hides the walls imperfections.
  • It adds warmth, depth and style to your rooms that monotone paint simply can’t achieve.
               Advantages of using Wallpapers
  • It is available in a variety of colors and patterns, including horizontal, vertical and irregular drop designs.
  • A painted wall can deliver color, but it can’t easily achieve a texture or pattern. Our wallpaper will add warmth and character to your rooms
  • Our wallpaper also has a number of performance benefits over paint, including durability (which is cost effective in the long run); it can hide uneven walls or surfaces in poor condition, it is fire resistance, washable, and stain resistance
  • It is easy to install, easy to clean, easy to strip off, stylish, stay with a theme, adds value to the homes.
  • It has a relatively low potential for odors or emissions as compared to paint and protects walls from harsh conditions.
  • Finally, it is cheaper than paint!